
about us

We are an international consulting firm and Hogan Assessments distributors in the UK, Italy and France.

We believe that, as consultants, we can be more helpful to our clients if we embrace the humility of not-knowing. We don’t start with the assumption that “we know better” and that we can provide meaningful advice based on expertise alone.

Hence, the question: Where will you be? It’s not a real question we ask our customers, but rather a totemic question representing dozens of more specific, open questions we like to ask. These questions shape our conversations with individuals, groups, and organisations about what matters to them and their emerging future.

This type of questioning implies a certain type of listening: curious, open to letting go of assumptions and previous knowledge, empathic and caring.

This question is an invitation on a journey together, where we can learn from our clients as much as they can learn from us, and where intimacy is created through the mutual sharing of vulnerabilities.

Our mission


Provide high-quality, bespoke business psychology consulting services within an agile and cost-effective framework


Invest in new technologies and innovation to enhance a “phygital” customer experience


Promote scientific and data-driven approaches that improve talent decisions and increase diversity and inclusion in the workplace


Embed an international mindset and cultural sensitivity in our client’s global talent initiatives




The magic of diversity

We are a group of incredibly diverse people. Magic happens whenever we get together for a common purpose. Sometimes it’s just fun.


A love mindset

We believe that love helps people grow, and we love to help people improve themselves. And, usually, they help us. As we say, “love is in awair”.


Failure will set you free

We are not afraid of failing. We like to experiment, and failure is part of the game. We believe in the “power of NOT YET”. Even though that may take a while.


Curious & Humble

We know we don’t have all the answers. And we don’t need to: there are so many smart people around, with exciting ideas and powerful tools, we just keep searching for them.


Compassionately Mindful

We are aware that we need to take care of ourselves first, protect our well-being and cultivate healthy relationships. You don’t need to be too hard on yourself. The present moment is a wonderful moment.

Additional factors that differentiate us

  • Willingness and resources to transfer expertise to clients

  • Strong front-end support and follow-through

  • Partner to design the most effective solution

  • Flexible solutions: standard, tailored, or custom

  • Expert, highly skilled, and qualified consultants

  • Multiple locations, languages and cultures

  • Committed to continuous improvement


Contact us now to discuss how our range of assessments and consulting services can support your talent initiatives

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trusted by

Discover the Hogan Assessment suite of personality and cognitive assessments. Used for selection, assessment and leadership development these premium psychometrics can support your HR, Organisational Development and Talent management and Diversity and Inclusion initiatives in a cost-effective, unbiased and data-driven way.

Hogan Certification Workshops

As a UK distributor of Hogan Assessments, we provide a foundational workshop and two advanced workshops that teach you to administer, interpret and provide feedback for Hogan’s three core personality assessments: Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS), and Motives, Values and Preferences Inventory (MVPI).

Assessment and
Development Centres

We design and implement assessment and development centres to support your talent management initiatives, providing rich data and advanced analytics to support talent growth and strengthen your organisation’s competitive advantage.


Our coaching services support the democratisation of development. With a focus on building strategic self-awareness, this cost-effective and high-impact approach extends access to development opportunities to wider talent pools.